Pitkin County EMS

These protocols are used by the following agencies:

  • Aspen Ambulance District
  • Aspen Fire Protection District
  • Aspen Ski Company
  • Mountain Rescue Aspen
  • Roaring Fork Fire Rescue Authority

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IMPORTANT NOTE: iOS users disable “App Offloading” to avoid having the app removed unexpectedly.

Create your account to access restricted content within the app.

* Click here to create an account with a secure password.

* Check your email for a verification link.

* Click here to login to the portal using your credentials.

* Request access by selecting “CO” as the State, “Pitkin County EMTAC” as the System, and lastly find your assigned company.

* Enter the company access password “rffe”, then click Request access.

You can find more detailed instructions here

Once you have an account you MUST sign into the app with your username and password.On your app go to the ? Help Icon and select Sign-In.